Exercises for a Post OP Rotator Cuff
Day One to Week Six After Surgery
Keep things simple and easy. Do the pendulum exercise to begin to get back your range of motion. This involves bending over and letting your healing arm hang loose and then swinging it in slow circles. You can also elevate your arm using a pulley. Use your good arm to pull on the pulley to gently raise your healing arm. Use a stick to practice rotating and extending the healing arm. These exercises can be performed often throughout the day as long as they don’t cause you pain. Apply ice to your shoulder after you exercise to help reduce any inflammation that might occur.
Weeks Seven and Eight
You can begin using isometric exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff. These include shoulder shrugs, isometric towel squeezes, straight-arm flexion, abduction and extension. Continue with your previous exercises, but add supine tricep extensions with a light weight. Also add supine internal/external rotations with the arm adducted (moved toward the middle of the body) and elbow flexed to 90 degrees. Try to work through these exercises three to four times daily. Apply ice to reduce inflammation.
Weeks Nine to 12
Practice active forward elevation of the arm and active strengthening. Begin adding these exercises to your routine: horizontal adduction stretch, triceps cuff stretch, towel squeezes, bent-over rows and supine dumbbell press. Remember to apply ice to reduce inflammation after you exercise.
Weeks 13 to 16
Begin using exercises involving light weights to strengthen and stretch the arm. Make sure you fully stretch out your shoulders and warm up before exercising. You can add weight to the exercises as you feel comfortable. Besides the previous exercises, add bench presses, pull-downs and push-ups. You can add in regular sports activities with the OK of your doctor. Recovery is individualized, so your doctor might recommend you moderate your exercises or give you an early OK for regular activities.
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