How to Stretch Scar Tissue After Shoulder Surgery
Stretching Techniqes
Perform basic shoulder circles using an object for assistance. Grab a towel or broomstick at both ends with your arms locked at the elbows as wide as your grip will allow. Begin in front of your body and slowly raise your arms in an arc up to the ceiling while keeping your elbows straight throughout. Once your arms are fully over your head, continue along the same arc to lower the towel or broomstick down until it is fully behind your body. Reverse the movement slowly and under complete control. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Once you can perform the movement without shoulder discomfort, slightly narrow your grip on the object, increasing the difficult and further increasing your range of motion.
Stand facing a wall, around six to 12 inches away with your fingertips resting lightly on the wall at around shoulder height. Initiate the movement by using your fingertips to slowly and gradually "climb" up the wall until your arms are fully extended or you feel more than mild discomfort in your shoulder. Hold the highest position you managed to attain for five to 10 seconds, then slowly "climb" back down. Repeat the exercise two or three times, aiming to climb slightly higher with each additional set.
Perform stretching while lying on the ground to further increase range of motion and prevent the formation of scar tissue. While lying on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle, interlace your fingertips. While keeping your arms as straight as possible, raise them up above your head until they are touching the floor. Hold in the stretched position for five to 10 seconds and relax, repeating three to four times.