Physical Therapy Exercises for Shoulder Surgery
Range of Motion Exercises
Range of motion exercises basically deal with how the joint functions in its normal paths of movement. These exercises are done to help the joint move without the pain or stiffness that comes after surgery. When beginning these exercises, your physical therapist may move your shoulder for you (also called passive therapy), your physical therapist may assist you in moving your shoulder or you may be instructed to move your shoulder yourself.
Electrical Stimulation
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS, is a type of physical therapy that uses electrical stimulation to treat pain. A device that emits electrodes is attached to the shoulder and can be used at home as well as at the physical therapist's office.
Cyrotherapy and Other Therapies
Cyrotherapy, or cold therapy, is when something cold, such as ice, is applied to a stretched or torn muscle to alleviate the pain associated with the injury. Other forms of therapy include iontophoresis, or the injection of medicine through the skin via electric charge, and phonophoresis, or the administration of medicine through ultrasound.