What is the normal compensation settlement amount for a rotator cuff injury Missouri?
Nature and extent of the injury: the severity of the rotator cuff injury and the extent of any accompanying damage to nearby structures, such as muscles, tendons, or ligaments, will impact the compensation amount. A minor rotator cuff strain with a good prognosis will likely result in a lower settlement than a more severe tear or rupture requiring extensive treatment or surgery.
Medical expenses: The claimant's medical bills related to treating the rotator cuff injury are a significant factor in determining the settlement value. This may include costs for emergency care, diagnostic imaging tests, physical therapy, and any surgical procedures.
Loss of earnings: Compensation may be awarded for lost wages if the rotator cuff injury significantly impacts the claimant's ability to work. This includes missed days from work, reduced earning capacity, and any job modifications or accommodations needed due to the injury.
Pain and suffering: Damages for pain and suffering are subjective and can vary widely depending on the individual case. Factors considered include the severity and duration of the pain, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and any permanent disability resulting from the rotator cuff injury.
Permanent impairment: If the rotator cuff injury results in permanent impairment or loss of function in the affected shoulder, additional compensation may be awarded. The extent of the impairment and its impact on the person's daily activities, work abilities, and quality of life are taken into account.
It's important to note that rotator cuff injury cases are complex and the settlement amount can be influenced by several other factors, such as the insurance coverage, the legal strategies employed, and the negotiation skills of the involved attorneys. In Missouri, as in other jurisdictions, the ultimate settlement amount is determined through negotiations between the parties involved or, in some cases, by a court decision through litigation.