How to Recognize the Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Problems
Find out what activities are causing your pain. If you feel pain in your shoulder when you use your arm, see a doctor. You may only notice pain and irritation when trying to reach above your head to get something off a high shelf.
Notice if one shoulder feels weaker than the other. Rotator cuff problems can decrease the strength available to support your arm. You'll notice if you have trouble lifting things with a specific arm or if you feel pain while lifting things.
See if you are experiencing pain while lying in bed. Some people with damaged rotator cuffs recognize sleeping problems while lying on the side with the injured shoulder. If you wake up with pain in your shoulder, it is a good indicator of rotator cuff problems.
Remember if you've ever had any problems with tendonitis in your shoulder. Sometimes a flare-up of tendonitis can swell the tendons so much that the rotator cuff doesn't have the room it needs to flex around.
See your doctor right away if your experience constant pain in your shoulder, especially after any kind of accident. Constant pain is a good warning sign that your rotator cuff may be tearing and the cuff cannot heal itself once torn.