What Are Stoma Shields?
Stoma Types
A person who has colon problems may have to have part of the colon removed. In these circumstances, a surgeon may have to make a stoma hole, which directs waste from the remainder of the colon to the outside of the body, if not enough colon remains to reach the regular opening of the anus. Bladder issues such as cancer may also necessitate stoma creation. Stomach openings are another type of stoma. A patient with larynx problems may also requires a stoma for breathing if the doctor needs to perform surgery and remove part of the normal breathing apparatus.
A stoma is essentially an open hole from the inside of the body to the outside. However, the stoma does not have all the natural protections a natural opening has. For example, the nose and mouth can remove dust particles from the air before it enters the lungs. Stomata do not have this capability. Therefore, someone with a neck stoma may choose to cover the hole to reduce the chance of infection and feel more comfortable when breathing. The nose and mouth also warm air before it reaches the lungs, and the layers in stoma shields can help warm cold air. Showering can let water into the opening, and certain stoma shields are specifically waterproof to prevent this occurrence.
Cosmetic Shields
A stoma shield can perform useful functions such as keeping the stoma clean, but it can also make a person feel better about the appearance of the stoma. The material of stoma shields can let enough air through for someone with a neck stoma to breathe.
Suitable Stomas for Shields
Colostomy and bladder stomata generally require a bag to collect waste, so stoma shields are more useful for those with a neck or stomach stoma. Stoma shield manufacturers provide covers with fastenings that tie around the neck for neck stoma patients, which may be washable and reusable, and individual stoma shields with adhesive edges that suit both neck and stomach stoma patients. Those who want to make their own stoma shield can buy the material from a manufacturer and customize it to suit their needs.