How to Use Steri Strips

Steri-strips are slim pieces of hypoallergenic, adhesive tape that are used to hold surgical incisions or deep lacerations together. They can be used alone or in combination with staples or stitches. Steri-strips are usually applied to the affected area following a surgery or medical procedure by a physician or a member of the physician's staff. Your doctor may provide you with extra steri-strips in order to change and care for your incision or laceration at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Antibacterial soap
  • Water
  • Gauze
  • Steri-strips
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      Clean the affected area. Use antibacterial soap and warm water to cleanse the incision or laceration and the surrounding area -- clean a few inches around the incision or laceration. Use gauze to gently clean the area.

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      Dry the area. Use a clean piece of gauze to gently pat dry the affected area.

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      Remove a steri-strip from their packaging. Grab the tap on the end of the strip and lift it up off of the card.

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      Place a steri-strip at the end of your incision or laceration. Use your opposite hand to push the edges of the incision together. Firmly press the steri-strip in place. The strip should be placed across the wound. The ends of the steri-strip should be touching the surrounding skin, not the wound itself.

    • 5

      Apply additional strips. Steri-strips should be positioned one-eighth of an inch apart until you hare covered the entire incision or laceration.

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