The Care of Glass Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Non-scented, clear (no color dye) liquid soap
- Plastic wash basin
- Microfiber cloth
Avoid temperature extremes while wearing the glass eye. Wear an eye patch over the glass eye when entering an environment that is considerably warmer or cooler than the original environment. Temperature extremes can cause the glass to expand or contract, increasing the possibility of small cracks and possible discomfort to develop.
Clean the glass eye regularly, at least two or three times each week, by carefully removing it from the eye socket. Fill a plastic basin with water, that is approximately 78 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Apply several drops of unscented, non-colored soap, to the washing bin and gently lower the eye into this solution. Allow the eye to soak in the soap solution for three to five minutes. Remove the glass eye and then carefully dry it with a microfiber cloth.
Store the glass eye in its protective storage case when not in use.
Visit your eye doctor regularly, to have the glass eye inspected for any microscopic splinters or cracks. Imperfections may develop from normal wear and natural chemical reactions caused by fluids in the body. These imperfections are often discovered, but only when viewed under magnification and adequate lighting.