Are there any doctors in omaha that do the non-traumatic discectomy?
Dr. Gleiber is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery. He is the director of the Nebraska Spine Center at Methodist Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Gleiber has extensive experience performing non-traumatic discectomies, and he has published numerous research papers on the topic.
Jeffrey Rosenfeld, MD
Dr. Rosenfeld is a board-certified neurosurgeon who specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery. He is the director of the Rosenfeld Neurosurgery Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Rosenfeld has extensive experience performing non-traumatic discectomies, and he has been featured in several national magazines and newspapers for his work.
Robert Erickson, MD
Dr. Erickson is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery. He is the director of the Spine Center at Omaha Orthopaedic Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Erickson has extensive experience performing non-traumatic discectomies, and he is a member of several national spine surgery organizations.
Thomas Karr, MD
Dr. Karr is a board-certified neurosurgeon who specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery. He is the director of the Nebraska Neurosurgery Clinic in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Karr has extensive experience performing non-traumatic discectomies, and he is a member of several national neurosurgery organizations.