Pre-Operative Diets
Protein Shakes
Replace one to two meals a day with a high protein shake. Look for whey protein that has a minimum of 15 g of protein and is less than 300 calories. Protein promotes healing. Competitive athletes use protein to increase endurance and performance which is why it is recommended prior to surgery.
Lean Protein
Eat 3 to 6 oz. of lean protein for one to two meals per day. Chicken, turkey and fish are good sources of lean protein. Whenever possible eat the breast and remove the skin of the poultry.
Fruit and Vegetables
Vegetables are unlimited with the exception of starchy ones such as corn, peas, potatoes and carrots. Starches are slow to metabolize. Limit fruit to one medium fruit per day. Examples include such things as one medium apple, ¾ cup of blueberries or 15 grapes. Avoid bananas due to the potassium content which may affect kidneys.
Clear, non-carbonated liquids are recommended. Water is the most important fluid to drink to flush out your body. Drink eight cups of water per day. Flavored water is acceptable as long it does not contain sugar or calories. Other fluid choices include such things as chicken broth, tea and clear fruit juice.
Frozen meals in your grocer's freezer section are acceptable. Look for labels that say lean or healthy and stay under 300 calories. Stick with lean meats and vegetable dishes and avoid cheese sauce. Fat free and sugar free jello and popsicles are acceptable substitutes for a snack.