How to Check a Physician for Malpractice Problems
Enter "" into your computer's web browser to begin a new search on a physician. The primary goal of the Federation of State Medical Boards is to track negative information or corrective action taken against physicians.
Click on the green "Order Options " box on the left side of the welcome screen and choose "order online report." Click on "get immediate results" to obtain an immediate report online for a fee of $9.95 payable by MasterCard or VISA. Paper copies of the report may be ordered by mail by clicking on the "mail in request " tab and following the payment mailing instructions.
Enter the physician's first and last name, and the city and state where the physician practices and click "submit." Click "add to cart," then click "check out" to proceed.
Read the disclaimer and click on the "I agree" box to proceed. Enter the promotional code if you have one, otherwise click "continue" to proceed to check-out.
Enter the credit card billing information and click "submit." Results will be viewable and printable within moments.