Defibrillator Implant Procedures
The ICD generator is something like a battery, while the leads act as wires or conductors of electricity from the generator to your heart.
Preparation Procedures
Antibiotics and sedatives are given through an IV tube. Before the defibrillator implantation, you'll be given antibiotics through an intravenous (IV) catheter. Your chest will be shaved and cleansed. Your body will be draped, and a soft strap may be used to keep your hands from touching the sterilized area, reports the Cleveland Clinic. You will be given IV drugs to help your relax and lessen pain, but you may remain awake. The doctor will numb the area for surgery, write the doctors of the London Cardiac Institute.
Monitoring Procedures
Your blood pressure and blood oxygen levels are monitored throughout the procedure. A number of devices are used to monitor your status throughout and after the procedure. Pacemaker patches are placed on your back and chest so that your doctor can regulate your heart rate. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) patches are placed on or in your chest to monitor the electrical impulses of your heart. Your blood pressure and blood oxygen levels will also be monitored. An x-ray machine will be used to track the placing of leads.
Surgical Procedures
A small incision is made to create a pocket for the generator. The surgeon will make a 2 to 3-in. incision in your chest and create a pocket for the generator. The doctor will insert the leads through a vein and use the X-rays to guide the wires to your heart muscle. The leads are hooked or screwed into your heart muscle during defibrillator implantation. The leads are measured and tested to be sure that they work, a procedure called "pacing." You will be asleep during these tests. Then the surgeon will attach the other end of the lead(s) to the generator and sew the incisions shut.
Testing and Programming Procedures
Readings obtained during and after the defibrillator implantation are used to program settings. After surgery, you will be given drugs to make you sleep. The defibrillator implantation will be tested. Your heart rate will be made to race, and the ICD will deliver a shock to restore normal rhythm. In some cases, this testing may be done while you are awake, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Recorded readings are used to program the rate and settings of the ICD. Chest X-ray will be performed to check your lungs and the position of the defibrillator and leads. An EKG will measure the electrical impulses of your heart. You will be scheduled for a follow-up visit.