Names of Different Types of Abortions
Medical Abortion
A medical abortion is an abortion that can be performed using medicine rather than surgery. This procedure can be done only during the first nine weeks of pregnancy. The pregnant woman takes a pill during her first doctor's visit that blocks the progesterone in the body, which is a crucial hormone for pregnancy. The lack of progesterone will make the uterus lining thin. During her second visit, the woman needs to take another type of medicine that causes her uterus to contract and expel tissue. The third and last visit to the doctor is to see if the medicine has worked and the tissue in the uterus has emptied properly. Light bleeding is common during this type of abortion.
Suction Aspiration
Suction aspiration is the most commonly used method of abortion and is usually used only during the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. The procedure involves giving the woman anesthesia, followed by dilating her cervix. A hollow tube is inserted into the womb, which is connected to a vacuum stronger than the average household vacuum. The fetus and surrounding placenta are sucked out of the woman and discarded.
D&E (Dilation and Evacuation)
The D&E method of abortion is used on women who have not yet reached the 18-week mark of pregnancy. The D&E method is most commonly used when the fetus is removed for health reasons, often after a miscarriage. The woman's cervix needs to be dilated so the instruments can fit into the womb. The doctor performing the abortion will scrape the lining of the uterus to remove tissue in the uterus. The tissue is then removed from the womb through the cervix using a small suction device.
Induction Abortion
Inducing an abortion is done using a saline solution. This abortion is available for those who have passed the 16-week mark of pregnancy. The doctor will insert a long needle into the mother's abdomen and into the amniotic sac, and inject a strong saltwater solution. This procedure takes a couple of hours. After the fetus has passed, labor will usually begin to deliver the fetus. The woman is often given pain medications and supportive drugs to help relax the cervix during the procedure.