Can Spinal Fusion Be Reversed?
Bone graft replaces a degenerated disc between the vertebrae to stimulate bone healing. The surgeon implants some permanent rods, plates and screws to secure its position. With time, the graft increases the bone growth to a point that the two vertebrae become a solid bone, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Once fused, the joint can no longer flex, extend or rotate, according to the Mayo Clinic. Reversing the procedure would require breaking the newly formed bone, which carries a high risk of damaging the spine. Furthermore, the implanted metal rods would have to be detached from the site, resulting into a weak backbone.
Gaining Flexibility
As part of the post-surgery treatment, the doctor will prescribe aerobic rehabilitation exercises. At first, the exercises will avoid flexion and focus on isometric movements of hands, arms and legs. After a few weeks, a therapist will teach methods to improve endurance, strengthening and torso flexibility, according to the Medical Disability Advisor on the website.