How to Use a Statim Cassette Autoclave Sterilizer
Things You'll Need
- Dental bib
- Distilled water
- Latex or nitrile gloves
Make sure your Statim cassette autoclave is sitting on a level surface and the water reservoir is filled with distilled water.
Make sure the instruments to be sterilized have been cleaned by hand-scrubbing or with an ultrasonic or HydrIM machine and allowed to dry thoroughly.
Pull the cassette tray out of the autoclave and lift the lid.
If the instruments to be sterilized are in an autoclave bag, put them inside the cassette, close the lid, insert the cassette back into the Statim and push the button on the keypad marked with an icon of a bagged instrument. This will automatically run a complete bagged instrument cycle.
If the instruments are unwrapped, put on latex or nitrile gloves and wrap the instruments loosely in a dental bib. Set the entire package inside the cassette. Remove and discard your gloves, slide the cassette into the Statim by its handle and press the button on the keypad marked with an icon of an unwrapped instrument. You may wish to wrap the gloves you will use for the procedure in the dental bib as well.
When the cycle is complete, the Statim will turn itself off and release the cassette. Remove the cassette and set it on your Mayo stand or sterile field. Open the cassette, open the dental bib and remove your sterile gloves and instruments for use.