Fine Motor Skill Damage After Ulna Nerve Surgery
Ulnar Nerve Surgery
Ulnar nerve surgery relieves compression on the nerve, which can result in pain and limited mobility of the hand or elbow, according to "Surgery of Peripheral Nerves."
Fine Motor Skill Damage
During ulnar nerve surgery, the nerve can be damaged rather than repaired. If this occurs in the nerve near the wrist, it can damage a person's fine motor skills, especially the ability to extend the fingers and hold objects between a finger and the thumb.
Damage to the ulnar nerve during surgery can result in a lesion on the nerve. Even if surgery relieves the compression, the lesion will result in the loss of fine motor skills.
Tendon transfers can restore fine motor skills. This works best if the tendon chosen to transfer can be removed without damaging the donor muscle, according to "Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery."
Surgeons often encounter the ulnar nerve in surgeries on the elbow and the wrist. They take great care to avoid damaging when operating in these areas.