Post Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomies are a common procedure for a doctor to perform. While this surgery is the most common for children, many adults need it as well. Children and adults typically have the same post surgery instructions from their doctor.
  1. Directly After Surgery

    • A tonsillectomy is typically an outpatient surgery, meaning that the patient is allowed to leave once he has recovered from the anesthetic. This usually occurs after a few hours from first waking from the surgery.


    • While there are no strict diets a patient needs to follow, it is usually advised to only consume liquids and soft foods for several days following surgery. Ice cream and Jell-o tend to be favorites after a tonsillectomy.


    • After a tonsillectomy, the patient may feel moderate pain in her throat for up to two weeks after surgery. If swelling occurs, apply an ice pack to the area and keep head above the heart while lying down.

    When to See the Doctor

    • It is important to see the doctor if you experience bleeding from the throat that lasts more than an hour, a temperature of over 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit or you notice an increase in swelling.

    Follow Up

    • Doctors generally ask to see tonsillectomy patients about two weeks after surgery for a follow up visit. The appointment usually doesn’t last long and is to make sure you are healing well after surgery.

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