Ablation Side Effects
Low-Grade Temperature
Patients who undergo surgery will commonly run a low-grade temperature. Undergoing endometrial ablation is no exception. Many women run a low-grade temperature for a couple of days after this procedure. For this reason it is recommended that patients take a few days to recover after this procedure.
Stomach Cramps and Fatigue
Some women suffer considerable pain from stomach cramps after endometrial ablation. Another side effect is fatigue. Pain and fatigue may last up to five days after the procedure and are a part of the healing process. The pain is not long lasting, and when the body heals, the pain will be alleviated.
Vaginal Discharge
It is not unusual to have vaginal discharge after endometrial ablation that lasts for as little as one day up to several weeks. Immediately post-op the discharge will be bloody but will eventually reduce to a watery discharge after a week or so. There is no need for concern unless excessive bleeding occurs. This is a normal part of the recovery process.
Nausea and Vomiting
As with any procedure that uses anesthesia, there is always the possibility of nausea and vomiting during the recovery period. This is why it is important to follow pre-procedure instructions closely. Do not eat or drink after midnight or in the morning before the procedure.
Every procedure has its own set of risks and possible complications. Complications are rare during endometrial ablation but there is the possibility of uterine perforation or damage to some other internal organ. Some patients require blood transfusions.