Pilates After a Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck surgery flattens the abdomen, tightens stomach muscles, and smooths the skin. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, incisions are made from one side of the gut to the other (hip to hip). The abdominal muscles are pulled and stitched together to tighten and flatten the area. Another incision is often made to create a new belly button in the correct place. Finally, excess skin is removed.
After a tummy tuck, drainage tubes remain underneath the skin for at least two to three weeks, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Also, you will wear compression devices for several weeks. Bruises and pain are common. Stitches either dissolve on their own or have to be removed about a week or two after surgery. Do not participate in such activities as lifting weight, carrying heavy items or excessive arm movement for two weeks post-surgery, according to Dr. Liland of Park Cities Plastic Surgery Center.
Post-Operative Exercise
Dr. Speirs of Speirs Center for Plastic Surgery recommends walking about two weeks after a tummy tuck procedure. He also says that each person's recovery is unique. A runner, or a person who worked out before the tummy tuck, should be strong enough to resume running or exercising in four weeks. However, if you were not very active before the procedure, give yourself 2 to 3 months of recovery. Walking, swimming and riding a bike will be easier to do then situps, crunches or Pilates, advises The Center for Plastic Surgery.
Pilates Benefits for Tummy
Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. He devised a specific set of exercises to boost the immune system and keep the body strong. The exercises target core muscles, the rectus abdominis (most prominent stomach muscle) and the erector spinae muscles (on either side of spine). An example of an exercise is the "Hundreds" in which you keep arms and legs off the ground and pulse a hundred times. A leaner and stronger midsection is the result of Pilates, according to A2Z of Health, Beauty and Fitness.
Pilates after a Tummy Tuck
According to Dr. Speirs, wait at least six weeks before performing any abdominal exercises. More reasonably, do stomach exercises and core work, like Pilates or situps, after 8 weeks. Dr. Speirs says that if you are physically able to perform a crunch or sit-up, then you can do Pilates moves. You can wait longer if there is discomfort.
It is important to avoid significant weight gain or loss to maintain the look of a flat stomach after a tummy tuck. Pilates, along with a good diet, will enhance surgery results and maintain flat abdominals longer. Since Pilates can be done by almost anyone with no jarring impact and fewer repetitions according to Flat-Stomach-Exercises.com, it is a good choice for tummy tuck maintenance.