Common Operating Room Instruments
A scalpel is the sharpest cutting tool commonly found in an operating room. Scalpels are used by surgeons to make initial incisions in the body of the patient. The blade is designed to make the point of incision clean, which shortens the healing time and allows the surgical team to better control bleeding while the operation is underway.
Bandage and Clothing Medical Scissors
Bandage and clothing medical scissors look like ordinary scissors save for the bend in the twin blades after the two are joined. This bend allows for a decrease in drag as the instrument is used to quickly remove clothing in an emergency-room setting or to remove bandages from a patient without disturbing the wound being covered.
A defibrillator unit is often kept on hand in operating rooms in the case of sudden heart stoppage. The unit's two paddles send an electric shock through the patient's body and into the heart, hopefully jump-starting the pumping of the dense muscle. Most units are portable, weighing less than 14 lbs., and may be used in multiple emergency situations over the course of a day.