How to Find an Orthopedic Surgeon Shoulder Specialist
Things You'll Need
- Local telephone book or online telephone directory
- Computer with Internet access
Ask your general practitioner for a referral to an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in shoulder injuries. Many doctors have a network of doctors they know and trust. Of course, you should trust your doctor before asking for a referral, and make sure you do a bit of research on the doctor.
Check the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' Internet directory. Once you have searched for a surgeon in your area, you can narrow your search to those who specialize in shoulder surgery so that you can setup an initial consultation. (See Resources.)
Browse your local phone book or Internet telephone directory. Of course, you should always be careful when using this method, and you should do a bit of extra screening and research on any doctor that you meet this way. Don't be afraid to ask for their credentials and surgical history.
Visit websites like to get patient reviews. While you can't put all of your stock in what strangers have to say, a doctor who has numerous bad reviews may not be the right person to perform a serious surgical procedure on you.