Lumbar Surgery Recovery
Time Frame
Your post-surgery hospital stay could be overnight or longer, depending on the specific type of procedure performed, as well as any complications that may arise. You'll need about five weeks to recover. You should not engage in strenuous activities for several months.
You'll have a dressing on the incision site, which can be removed after a few days. Sutures will naturally dissolve on their own. If your surgeon used staples, they can be removed within two to three weeks.
Discuss your pain medication options with your surgeon before the procedure is performed. You may need intravenous pain medication, or you may take it orally. You'll also need intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection.
You will likely not be able to eat for 24 to 48 hours following lumbar surgery. You'll be able to have small amounts of water, as well as ice chips.
You'll need to begin walking one or two days after lumbar surgery to prevent possible blood clots. You may need a physical therapist to help you with gentle exercises.