Recovery From Vaginal Laser Surgery
Going Home
Your laser vaginal surgery may be done on an outpatient basis. For the first couple of days there will be pain and discomfort in the area. You may have some swelling in the vaginal area immediately after the procedure and cold packs can help alleviate this discomfort.
Most patients can return to work and most normal activities in two or three days, but a full recovery takes weeks. Wait two or three weeks for the go-ahead to resume sexual activity.
There is a watery discharge after the procedure. Use sanitary napkins instead of tampons for two to three weeks. Do not douche.
Pain Medication
Your doctor will prescribe medication for the pain after a vaginal laser surgery. Anti-inflammatory medications will help reduce pain and inflammation. Most patients can use over-the-counter medications to relieve pain after the procedure.
Patients who experience severe pain may use a narcotic pain reliever prescribed by the physician. The pain experienced will depend on the type of surgery that you have had. Some women have multiple areas worked on and this can cause severe pain.
Things to Watch For
With any surgical procedure, you should watch for infection. If the area becomes red and inflamed, consult your doctor. Fever is sometimes experienced with an infection at a surgical site.
Keep the area clean after the procedure and wear loose-fitting clothing. The vaginal area can become irritated if clothing rubs against the surgical area. Moving around after any surgical procedure is recommended to improve circulation.
If pain persists after a few days, consult your doctor. Most patients see a reduction in pain in a relatively short time.
Seek medical attention immediately if you experience heavy vaginal bleeding, a high fever or a yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor.
Repeat Procedures
Women who undergo childbirth after a vaginal laser surgery to strengthen the vaginal walls may need an additional procedure to fix the damage.Very young women who have the procedure may need to repeat the surgery as they age.