Kyphoplasty for Athletic Injuries
Kyphoplasty is a surgical procedure that uses an inflatable tool to repair a vetebral compression fracture. The balloon lifts the broken vertebrae and fills it with cement to restore its strength and structure.
Time Frame
Kyphoplasty has the best results when done shortly after the VCF has occured. This entire procedure can be completed in under one hour.
Getting Back to Athletics
The pain from kyphoplasty goes away in about two weeks. Athletes will still need clearance from a doctor before returning to sports, even if no pain is present.
Kyphoplasty As a Last Resort
Surgery may not be the preferred initial treatment for an athletic spinal injury. An orthopaedic surgeon may prefer to start with the least invasive and most conservative options first.
As with any surgery, kyphoplasty has risks. Among these risks is a 10 percent chance of the bone cement leaking. It is also possible that the cement could cause an allergic reaction from your body.