Cervical Stenosis Procedures
Cervical Stenosis
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, cervical spinal stenosis causes the spinal canal to become smaller. Pain from this condition often becomes worse and requires corrective surgery.
A surgeon may correct cervical stenosis with a laminectomy that opens the spinal canal from the back of the neck and makes the canal larger.
Corpectomy and Strut Graft
Doctors may perform a corpectomy to remove degenerated neck vertebrae and replace them with a graft of bone.
A spinal stenosis patient may need to wear a halo brace after a laminectomy or a corpectomy to hold the head and neck completely still while the neck heals. A halo is a type of brace that uses a titanium ring that is screwed into the skull and attached to a vest that the patient wears.
Patients may develop complications after cervical stenosis surgery, such as blood clots in the legs, infection or persistent pain.