Laser Tattoo Removal Qualifications
Older tattoos are considered more advantageous than are newer tattoos. Since ink fades and becomes lighter over time---due to the skin's cells constantly renewing---older tattoos are easier to remove.
Skin Quality
Skin quality is essential to understanding how to go about tattoo removal. Surgeons must choose between different types of lasers for the tattoo removal, depending upon the qualities of the person's skin and tattoo. The color and texture of a person's skin can make the difference between an effective and non-effective removal.
Tattoo Quality
The quality of the tattoo is often a determining factor in regards to tattoo removal. Tattoos that are professionally created are considered more difficult to remove and therefore might require a different type of laser. The size of the tattoo is also a determining factor since abrasive lasers are not used for large tattoos.
Many surgeons will avoid performing tattoo removals---especially large tattoo removals---due to the effects of scarring. Although tattoo lasers are currently much less invasive than they once were, they can still leave minor scarring. If the tattoo is large, scarring can be extensive, resulting in many tattoo removal surgeons being hesitant about removing tattoos on some people.
Only the practitioner has the right to decide whether a person qualifies for a tattoo removalt. It is also at their discretion as to the type of laser to use to effectively remove a tattoo.