Health Information on Circumcision for a Jewish Baby
Circumcision involves removing the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis. The Mayo Foundation reports some parents choose it because of family tradition, religious beliefs, or hygiene or health issues, while others consider it disfiguring or unneeded.
The Mayo Foundation reports circumcision may decrease the likelihood of developing penile cancer or urinary tract infections; penile health problems such as inflammation when the foreskin retracts improperly; and sexually transmitted diseases.
According to the Mayo Foundation, circumcision may cause pain and surgical risks such as bleeding and infection. If the foreskin is cut incorrectly, the penis may not heal properly, or additional surgery may be required.
Complications from circumcision that require medical assistance include abnormal urination, discharge, fever, redness, sores and swelling. The Nemours Foundation reports that prompt intervention can relieve most.
According to the Nemours Foundation, neither the American Academy of Pediatrics nor the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends circumcision to prevent medical problems such as penile cancer.