Outpatient Surgery Treatment for a Bulging Disc
If you are experiencing pain in your lower back and legs, then you could have a bulging disc. Your doctor can recommend treatment options for a bulging disc, including outpatient surgery.-
Bulging Disc
The vertebrae in your spine are separated by soft rubbery discs. If one of those discs herniates, then the center of the disc pushes out through the disc's wall. This is called a bulging disc and it can cause pain by pressing down on nearby nerves.
Microdiscectomy is an outpatient surgery treatment for a bulging disc performed with spinal or general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make a small incision in your back and, by using a microscope, can locate the bulging disc and remove the damaged portions of it.
The advantages of outpatient surgery treatment for a bulging disc include not needing to check into a hospital and the small incision of less than two inches, which will require less time to heal than the larger incisions of traditional surgery.
The small incision could lead your surgeon to miss some disc fragments. If this happens, you could continue to experience pain and require a second surgery to remove them.
You should be able to return to work two to six weeks after undergoing outpatient surgery for a bulging disc. Physical therapy to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles can help you avoid back pain in the future.