How to Clean Pre- & Post-Op Rooms
Things You'll Need
- Antimicrobial solution
- Sterile pad
- Mop
- Bucket
Wipe down all flat surfaces with a sterile pad and antimicrobial solution. This solution is typically made up of chlorhexidine. Flat surfaces include countertops, cabinets and patient beds.
Remove all bed linens, paper patient garments and trash from the room. It should be disposed of properly according to hospital guidelines.
Wash the floors with the same antimicrobial solution as used on the flat surfaces. A simple mop and bucket can be used.
Clean the room completely--known as terminal cleaning--at the end of every day. This means wiping down everything in the room with the antimicrobial solution. This includes items mounted on the ceiling or walls, surgical lights, chairs and beds, countertops and the floor.