Robotic Arm Thoracic Surgery Technology
Robotic technology is an area in which the government conducts ongoing research and investigation. One of their primary focuses is using adaptive control technologies that can help with autonomous flight missions. But NASA scientists are not alone in conducting robotic research. Medical research continues to direct attention to the field of robotics. Following the creation of a robotic arm prototype, additional developments produced an improved design. The newer robotic arm can assist in a minimally invasive thoracic surgery.
Robotic Improvements
The improved design of the robotic arm has a motor built into it. The arm's ball-socket joint design helps the surgeon by widening the field of view. The arm is also equipped with a push button brake instead of a pedal, like the first prototype. The push button brake operates more effectively.
The fact that the procedure is only minimally invasive is a benefit of using a robotic arm in thoracic surgery. Patients are said to experience less pain and less loss of blood, which means a decrease in blood transfusions. They are also known to have an accelerated recovery following the procedure. This ultimately results in shorter hospital stays, as well as the ability to return to normal daily routines more quickly.
The master manipulator of the robotic arm unit is located on the surgeon's control console. This is one of the main components of the arm. The other primary component is the slave manipulator The surgeon is able to look at the three-dimensional monitor directly in front of her, where she can see a magnified view of the robotic arms and the operative area. "Magic tapes" attached to the surgeon's thumbs and fingers allow the surgeon to control manipulators during the surgery. The robotic arm then functions just like the surgeon's real hands and arms do.
There are some drawbacks in using robotic arms in thoracic surgery. Currently, the availability of instruments for use in robotic surgery is limited when compared to more traditional surgery methods. Another issue involves the time it takes to assemble instrumentation for robotic surgery. This adds to the overall time it takes for the surgery. Additionally, using robotic techniques typically requires the presence of three experienced surgeons. This creates an issue of cost-effectiveness.