What to Expect After Sinus Surgery
Conditions Regarding Sinusitis
Sinuses are filled with air and can become blocked and filled with fluid and germs that causes the infection. Conditions that can block sinuses include a cold, nasal polyps, and deviation of the nasal septum, tumors, cystic fibrosis and fungal infections.
Causes Needed for Sinusitis Surgery
Sinus surgery is for people who may need it because of chronic recurring sinusitis that does not get better from medication or other treatments recommended by your doctor.
Goal of Sinus Surgery
The goal for sinus surgery is to open up the sinus openings for better drainage. Postoperative care is essential to prevent scarring and allow normal healing.
Postoperative Care After Sinus Surgery
After sinus surgery, you will have partial swelling and tenderness inside your nose. You may have symptoms of having a severe cold or sinus infection due to swelling, dry blood, mucus and crusting inside your nose.
More Instructions After Sinus Surgery
The doctor may recommend nasal irrigation, saline sprays or antibiotic lubricants. Keep your head elevated to reduce bleeding and swelling after surgery. Leave packing in place, and do not remove it. Do not do any heavy lifting, straining or exercise, avoid blowing your nose, and do not take aspirin as it slows clotting and increases bleeding.
Follow-up Visit After Surgery
The doctor will remove packing and clean your nose and sinuses each visit, which is somewhat painful. Take Tylenol before each visit. You may return to work or school when the doctor tells you to.