Medications Used in Adenoidectomy
Treating Pain
Your doctor can prescribe liquid Tylenol with codeine; take exactly as directed. Chewing gum and consuming lots of liquids might also be beneficial.
Treating Fever
Over-the-counter Tylenol tablets can address fevers. Ask your doctor what dosages are appropriate, especially if you are already using Tylenol with codeine for pain relief.
Preventing Infection
Your doctor might prescribe a course of antibiotics to prevent infection after surgery. Take exactly as directed and finish the entire prescription.
Medications to Avoid
Aspirin is never appropriate for a child. Do not use other NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen either; they increase bleeding.
Children usually heal in about seven to 10 days after the surgery, while adults might need a few weeks. A checkup is usually scheduled two to three weeks after the surgery.