Deviated Septum Correction Procedures
If you are struggling with symptoms that result from a deviated septum, such as being able to breathe through one nostril or snoring at night, you can take medication as a temporary fix. Over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines and nasal cortisone sprays can provide relief for difficult breathing symptoms.
In order to fix a deviated septum for good, you'll need to undergo a septoplasty, which is the medical term for surgery that corrects defects or abnormalities of the septum. Unlike a rhinoplasty, septoplasties are done entirely through the nostril. During the operation, a surgeon straightens the septum and may sometimes need to cut or remove parts of the septum in order to put it in a proper position.
Septoplasties may be performed in your surgeon's office facility, in a specialized surgery center or in a hospital. Depending on your particular case, you may have the surgery done with a local or a general anesthetic. The operation usually takes about two hours and is done on an outpatient basis.
Surgery Results
After your surgery, you may need nasal packs or soft splints inside your nostrils to hold your newly shaped septum in place. For the first few days, a small amount of bleeding is normal. According to the University of Virginia Health System, surgeons don't recommend you return to work or other normal activities until about a week after your operation.
Once you fully recover from surgery, mild and serious symptoms of a deviated septum, like nosebleeds and chronic sinus infections, may disappear completely.