Broken Foot Surgery Recovery
Broken bones, otherwise known as fractures, in the foot are often a result of injuries. Proper treatment of these types of injuries is critical because the feet are weight bearing. There are many different types of foot fractures that can occur; surgery may be required to repair the broken and damaged bones.
After Surgery
After surgery for a broken foot, discharge instructions will be given and a prescription for pain medication will also be provided. It is important to follow these instructions exactly as prescribed, in order to avoid complications from surgery.
Contact your doctor immediately to report any of the following symptoms: drainage at the site of the incision, redness, swelling or a fever of 101 degrees or more. If you experience coldness, tingling or numbness of the foot, your foot turns blue or have a sudden increase in pain you may have a reduced circulation to the foot. Contact your doctor immediately if any of these things happen.
You will experience some pain after surgery for a broken foot.This is to be expected and the doctor may provide a prescription medication for pain relief. Elevating your foot will help to reduce the pain and swelling after surgery.
As with any surgery, there may be a risk of complications. Recovery time from any type of broken foot surgery depends on the individual's health, physical condition and the severity of the fracture. A prescription for an antibiotic may be given to ward off any infections following surgery.