Post-Arthroscopic Elbow Exercises
The Day Of and Day After Surgery
You can start non-weight-bearing exercises in the recovery room. Go gently. The idea is simply to regain some movement in your elbow. You should also apply ice packs throughout the day for 20 minutes at a time. Don't go longer, or you may risk frost bite. The cold will reduce inflammation around your elbow. Work your elbow through as great a range of motion as you can without causing pain.
Three Days After Surgery
Continue the ice packs to keep inflammation down. This also helps you move through a greater range of motion. Bend your elbow often. Your actual physical therapy will probably begin on the third day post-surgery. You most likely no longer need a sling for anything other than comfort, though it also keeps stress off the joint. Continue with the elbow range of motion exercise.
Four to 10 Days After Surgery
Now you can begin adding a little weight to your elbow range of motion. Begin with a soup can or can of soda for weight. Holding the can beside your leg with your arm fully extended. Bend your elbow, curling the can up. Try to touch the can to your upper arm. Then lower the can back to beside your leg. Do this 12 times. Rest for a minute. Then repeat. Do three sets of 12 reps, adding weight as long as it doesn't cause pain. Don't increase the weight to more than 3 pounds during this time.
Recovery from arthroscopic surgery can take anywhere from a week to months, so don't get discouraged if your recovery seems slow. If you only had minor surgery, you should be able to return to sports and normal exercise within three weeks. You can begin working in other exercises that involve bending the elbow, such as shoulder presses, bench presses, bent rows and tricep extensions.