Diets for Patients Recovering From Colon Surgery
The first few days after a colon surgery, the doctor will order that you not consume anything by mouth. IV fluids will keep you hydrated after the surgery. When intestinal function returns, you diet transitions to a liquid diet.
In the hospital, your diet will change from a liquid diet to soft foods, as you are able to tolerate them. Soft foods will give your colon a chance to recover from the surgery before you consume more difficult to digest foods. Your doctor will monitor your progress after the surgery to be sure that your digestive system is functioning properly.
Low Fiber Diet
When you begin eating solid foods again after your surgery, you will be put on a low fiber, low residue diet. Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet, but your digestive system needs the time to heal before it can return to its normal function. The low fiber diet helps you to reduce bowel movements and ease any pain and discomfort that occurs after the procedure. This diet is only temporary until your digestive system heals after colon surgery.
Limit the amounts of raw fruits and vegetables and remove the skins from foods before you cook them. Avoid whole grains, popcorn, nuts and seeds, dried fruits and high fiber cereal. The low fiber diet allows dairy products such as milk, ice cream and cheese, but you should use caution with these foods as they may cause gas and discomfort.
Regular Diet
It may take between six and eight weeks before you are able to return to your normal diet. The doctor will give you the go ahead to begin eating foods with higher fiber. The diet that you consumed before colon surgery is appropriate, but you should be careful of foods that can cause gas such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and milk products. These foods are not off limits, but they may cause discomfort if they cause gas. Eat smaller meals more frequently during the day to aid digestion. Avoid fatty or deep fried foods to prevent digestive problems as well.