Recovery From Ankle Replacement Surgery
Recovery Room
After your surgery is complete, you will be taken to the recovery room. You will slowly awaken from the anesthesia and you will be allowed to drink water or chew on ice chips to prevent nausea. Nurses in the recovery room will monitor your vital signs to make sure that you are in stable condition. Your ankle will be in a splint so that you cannot move it. After the anesthesia wears off completely, you may experience ankle pain. Nurses in the recovery room can give you pain medication through an IV if needed.
In the Hospital
You may stay in the hospital up to four days or longer if you experienced complications during or after your surgery. Your ankle will stay in a splint to immobilize it and your foot will be elevated while you are in your hospital bed. After two days, your dressing and splint are usually removed so that you can start physical therapy. Antibiotics and fluids will be given to you via your IV for the first couple of days after your surgery to prevent infection and ensure that you are properly hydrated. You may continue to receive pain medication through your IV as well. After your IV is removed, you will take oral pain medications as needed or as directed by your doctor. Physical therapy begins while you are still in the hospital. A physical therapist will show you gentle range of motion exercises to help prevent your ankle joint from getting too stiff. Your therapist can also show you how to walk with a walker or crutches until your ankle heals.
After Returning Home
Keep your wound clean and dry after you return home. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for your wound. Contact your doctor right away if you notice unusual drainage or swelling or if you have a temperature of over 100.4 degrees, as these could be signs of infection. Your stitches will be removed about two weeks after surgery. Move slowly and avoid putting weight on your ankle until directed to do so by your doctor. Most ankle replacement patients need a walker or crutches for up to six weeks until the ankle heals enough for weight bearing. Your doctor may send you home with oral pain medications. You can use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, if your doctor advises you that it is okay to take them. Take all medications exactly as directed. You will continue with physical therapy for several weeks to several months depending on your progress. Do your home exercises as often as directed by your therapist to speed your recovery time. You will typically see your surgeon for follow-up appointments at six weeks and three months post surgery.