Pain Management After Hammertoe Surgery
Use Minimal Pain Medication After Surgery
According to, hammer toe surgery is a relatively simply procedure. Four incisions are made and the tendons in the hammer toe are rebalanced so that the toe no longer bends. It typically only takes 15 minutes to perform. For this reason, most patients do not need severe pain management techniques. Indeed, minimal or even no pain medication is needed for most patients. Therefore, unless you are experiencing severe pain, you can manage the pain by taking over-the-counter pain killers such as Tylenol or Motrin. Take the pain medication as directed by the bottle or call your doctor for more advice on how much and how often to take the medication.
With that said, you may not be a "typical" patient. If you are experiencing pain that is severe or debilitating, you should contact your doctor immediately. The doctor can diagnose what the issue may be and might be able to prescribe some stronger pain killers.
Reduce Swelling to Ease Pain
Any time your insides are tinkered with, swelling is a concern. Swelling is an inflammation of the tissues and blood vessels in the surrounding area that can become damaged during the surgery. To reduce swelling and to ease the pain that could be associated with the swelling, suggests that you refrain from putting weight on your foot. Use crutches for the first two to four days. When you are resting, keep your foot elevated and apply ice to it . Ice and elevate your foot at least for the first week after surgery. This will reduce pain and swelling in your foot. In addition, do not drive your car until you are confident that you can perform an emergency stop. You could cause pain and complications if you drive too soon after this surgery.