How to Gown & Glove in an Operating Room
Things You'll Need
- Scrub suit
- Scrub soap
- Fingernail brush
- Shoe covers
- Gowns
- Gloves
- Surgical cap
- Eye protection
- Surgical mask
Inspect fingernails and ensure that they are short, smooth and free of nail polish. Remove jewelry from the hands and arms and place them in the pocket of the scrub suit. Scrub down hands, arms and nails with scrub soap and a nail brush.
Don a scrub shirt to don and tuck in the edges to avoid contamination of the sterile surgical field. Adjust the sleeves of the scrub suit to be at least 4 inches above the elbow. Adjust the trouser legs so they do not touch the floor. Place shoe covers over shoes.
Place a surgical cap over the hair. The cap should completely cover the hair to prevent contamination from falling hair and dandruff.
Place a fresh surgical mask over the face. Put on eye protection and verify that it fits correctly.