Why Do People Gain Weight After Gallbladder Removal?
The function of the gallbladder is to hold bile from the liver until it is needed to help metabolize fats in the intestine. When the gallbladder isn't working correctly or is infected, it can cause pain when stimulated to secrete the bile.
Experts at Intelihealth suggest that weight gain isn't caused by the function of the gallbladder, but because of the increased ability for people to eat fatty foods once again. When eating a fatty meal causes bloating and pain most people begin to avoid trigger foods, often losing weight prior to the removal of the gallbladder. Once the gallbladder is removed normal eating processes return, including the high fat foods, causing weight gain.
Other Considerations
After gallbladder surgery the body metabolizes fats differently, causing a myriad of side effects including diarrhea and constipation. Once the diseased gallbladder is removed, bile is secreted into the small intestines at a slow and steady rate, changing how fats are metabolized and sometimes causing weight gain if there is not enough bile available. Anecdotal evidence from Steady Health suggest that eating smaller meals more frequently can treat this reason for weight gain.
Adding fiber to your diet may help keep your digestive tract moving smoothly and aid in weight loss.
Keep a food diary to see exactly how many calories you are taking in to see how you can tweak your diet to aid in weight loss or stabilization.
If you gain weight quickly after surgery have your thyroid checked. It's possible that your weight gain has nothing to do with the removal of your gallbladder.
Some people feel better taking bile salts. Consult your physician before adding them to your diet.