What to Expect When Recovering From Gall Bladder Surgery
Pain Relief
Expect to experience some discomfort. Your doctor will order pain medication to help alleviate your discomfort and the pain will begin to resolve within 24 to 36 hours (but may last up to 5 days or longer). You will be sent home with a prescription for pain relief.
Eating After Surgery
Initially, you'll be given fluids through an IV until you can eat, at which time you'll slowly advance from a liquid diet to a solid, low-fat diet. Stick to a light diet for the first several days to see how you tolerate foods.
Your Incision
You will have an incision that will have dissolving stitches (which do not require removal). This will be covered by a clear adhesive tape, which should be left in place for seven to 14 days. Expect that your incision will be red for about 10 days. If you notice increased redness or pus, contact your doctor.
Average Hospital Stay
According to NYU Medical Center, most patients are in the hospital for one to three days.
After Surgery
Once you are home, if you are vomiting, have a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit, experience tenderness or distention in your abdomen, or still have not had a bowel movement after four days, you should contact your doctor.