How to Prepare for Lumpectomy Surgery

Preparing yourself for a lumpectomy is simply a matter of following pre-surgery instructions from your doctor. These instructions, to be followed in the days and weeks leading up to surgery, are to make sure you do not have any problems while in surgery, and to ensure a comfortable experience. Some patients will go home the same day, but most are asked to stay overnight at the hospital.

Things You'll Need

  • Comfortable clothing
  • A designated driver
  • Sports bra
  • Personal care items
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  1. Preparation

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      Stop taking a vitamin E supplement two weeks before the surgery (though a multivitamin with vitamin E in it is fine). A vitamin E supplement may have blood-thinning effects, especially in conjunction with aspirin products.

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      Stop taking any aspirin products 10 days before the surgery (though Tylenol is still allowed). Aspirin must not be taken because it may cause you to bleed easier.

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      Do not eat or drink anything past midnight the night before the surgery, but continue to take your regular medications.

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      Bring comfortable clothing on the day of the surgery. A loose-fitting or zip-up top is recommended.

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      Bring a sports bra and personal-care items, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, with you in case you need to stay overnight.

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