How to Get an Elective C-Section
A c-section is major surgery. Before going into any surgery, it is vital you know what will happen before, during and after, as well as the risks for you and the baby. Look at statistics related to infections, costs and infant mortality rates for each type of birth. Join on-line forums for pregnant woman and ask other moms to share their experiences. Talk to doctors or nurses who are mothers themselves to hear what they have to say.
Make a list of the reasons you would prefer an elective c-section. Women choose to have a c-section for a number of reasons. Some choose this birth option because they had an emergency c-section with a previous birth and would rather avoid the hectic environment and schedule a c-section the next time. Some women have health issues they feel would affect the ability to have a positive vaginal birth experience. Some women have out-of-town family who would like to plan to be available to help after the birth and would prefer a set date. Still others have a history of large babies and difficult births in their families and want to avoid the frustrations.
Talk with your doctor about your desire for an elective c-section. Some doctors will agree without much questioning because a scheduled c-section is easier on their schedules. Other doctors believe a c-section should be reserved for true emergency situations. If your doctor is of this mind-set, you will need to present your knowledge to him. Explain to him you know the facts and you have done your research. Give your doctor a list of reasons for wanting the elective c-section. This will show him you have thought this through and are serious about the decision. This approach is more likely to get him to agree with your decision.
Discuss when you will have the elective c-section. You should try to wait until the week of your due date to make sure your baby is big and strong and ready to be born. If you happen to go into labor before that point, you can inform the hospital nurses that you were scheduled for an elective c-section but went into labor on your own. They will contact your doctor to arrange for your surgery.