How to Remove a Mole From My Skin
Go to a dermatologist to have your moles checked. The doctor can determine if the mole needs to be removed. Then decide which method you will use.
Remove the mole from skin using laser surgery. This procedure uses laser (light waves) to penetrate the skin tissue to remove the mole. A doctor that is experienced enough will be able to not leave any marks.
Use shave excision to remove the mole from the skin. This procedure uses a surgical blade to cut around the diameter of the mole. No sutures are given and the skin is left to heal with the use of a topical antibiotic. The shave excision procedure takes several weeks to heal from.
Remove the mole on the skin by using the full excision method. This process is similar to the shave excision, but also cuts the skin adjacent to the mole and sutures are used at the edges of the skin.
Ask your doctor about using the electrocautery method (also called cauterization) to remove the mole from the skin. This is procedure burns the mole off. It is the most painful method and will cause scarring.