Cervical Polypectomy Treatment

Polyps are growths that project from mucous membranes and can occur in various parts of the body including the cervix. A cervical polyp is usually found during routine gynecological exams.
  1. Symptoms

    • Cervical polyps may not always present symptoms but if symptoms are present, they include abnormally heavy periods, abnormal vaginal bleeding and white or yellow mucus.


    • A cervical polyp is removed through a procedure known as a cervical polypectomy. This procedure is normally performed if the polyp is causing heaving bleeding or pain.


    • A polypectomy is performed as an outpatient procedure allowing the patient to go home once the procedure is complete. The removed tissue is sent to a laboratory for further testing.


    • Bleeding or spotting may occur after the procedure along with pain. This could indicate an infection and your doctor should be contacted. There is also a chance the polyp may recur.


    • Tampon use, douching or sexual intercourse should be avoided for one week after the procedure.

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