How to Finance a Tubal Reversal
Check your health insurance coverage. Though most insurance policies will not cover this type of elective surgery, some will pay for the surgery based upon the premise that it is a measure to cure infertility. Acquire the ICD-9 codes from your surgeon for your tubal ligation reversal and ask your health insurance company if they will cover any of the costs associated with these codes. Many policies will not cover the actual surgery but will cover other costs, such as testing, anesthesia and a hospital stay.
Inquire with your surgeon's office about payment plans that they offer. Many surgeons will allow you to schedule a surgery with a small down payment of a few hundred dollars and will accept payments up until the date of the surgery.
Use a Health Savings Account to pay for your surgery with pre-tax dollars. Health Savings Accounts are offered through most major employers if you have a high deductible health insurance plan. You can use your Health Savings Account or your spouse's account to pay for your surgery.
Apply for medical credit, such as Care Credit or Medi Credit. These companies offer credit for medical expenses. They will commonly offer the credit with low or no interest for a period of time.
Charge the cost of your surgery to your credit card. Be sure to call your credit card company prior to doing this to ensure that you have enough available credit to cover the cost of your procedure.
Apply for a loan with your local bank or credit union. Personal loans, home equity loans and lines of credit can be used to pay for your tubal ligation reversal.
Visit the "Bank of Mom and Dad." Though it may feel embarrassing to ask your parents for money, they are probably hoping for a grandchild as much as you are hoping for a child. Borrowing money from your parents is a wise financial decision, especially if you have poor credit. Someone with poor credit will have a difficult time getting a reasonable interest rate from a lender who is not a parent.