Back Surgery C5 & Recovery
A herniated disc, disc bulge, or tumor often results in impingement (a pinching off) of the spinal cord elements, resulting in pain and limitation of motor movement.
Surgery involves an incision at the C4-C5 level of the neck, a discectomy (removal of the bulging disc) and decompression of the neural elements at C4-C5.
Surgery eliminates the impingement, which results in decreasing pain, and restoring function to the spinal cord elements.
The removal of the bulging disc, along with the decompression, often presents instability in the neck. To prevent instability, bone grafting and a fusion plate with screws often completes C5 back surgery. However, C5 back surgery with fusion prolongs recovery.
Recovery Rate
Most physicians advise patients to expect 6-8 weeks for recovery. The recovery period is a time of limited activity. The surgeon gives specific instructions on how to behave and what to do during the recovery period, and this advice must be followed.
While the incision wound heals, muscle spasms and palsy sometimes occur. In addition, pain medications are often necessary. Both, muscle spasms and pain subside within the first two weeks of the recovery period.