How to Prepare for Gall Bladder Surgery
Refrain from taking pain medications such as aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs one week prior to your surgery date. Ask your doctor if prescription pain medication, such as **** or Darvacette can be taken in the event of a gallstone attack.
Have your blood drawn for routine lab testing. Your doctor's office should set up this appointment for you. It should take place within one week of the surgery date.
Meet with a hospital staff member (usually a surgical nurse) to go over what to expect and anything specific they want you to do in preparation for surgery.
Speak with an anesthesiologist regarding what type and the amount of anesthesia being used. You must notify him of any allergies or negative reactions associated with anesthesia that you have encountered in the past. Discuss any concerns you have and decide on the best anesthesia plan.
Decide, with your doctor, if laparoscopic surgery is a suitable option versus traditional surgery. Patients who go the laparoscopic route usually recover more quickly and with less pain than with traditional surgery.
Fast beginning at midnight the night before surgery. This includes gum, coffee and candy.
Wash your stomach and abdominal area with antibacterial soap the night before or the morning of surgery to reduce the skin surface bacteria. Your doctor may give you a special pre-operative solution to use. Scrub the area well and rinse thoroughly.
Prevent attacks by refraining from spicy, fatty or rich foods. While these are not the only triggers, staying away from them will help prevent further pain.
Eat fiber-rich foods, as patients with gallstones often lack sufficient fiber in their diets. This helps keep your digestive system functioning properly.