How to Prepare for Cervical Spine Surgery
How to Prepare for Cervical Spine Surgery
Stop taking medications, pain relievers and vitamin supplements two weeks prior to surgery. If there are medications or supplements you must take, keep a log of these to review with your surgeon prior to surgery.
If you smoke, stop two weeks prior to surgery. Smoking interferes with bone graft healing.
Have a pre-surgical physical. This should be done within 10 days of your surgical date to ensure you are in good enough health to have the procedure done. This will include blood work, urine analysis, EKG and a medical history.
Organize your home so that things you may need once you return are easily accessible. This means putting the phone, shoes and toiletries in easy-to-reach places that don't require any bending. Make sure that rugs are either removed or secured to prevent yourself from tripping over them.
Organize a ride to and from the hospital. You won't be able to drive when you are released and for some time after. Make sure you have someone who can assist with grocery store runs and other errands, such as making post-operative medical appointments or physical therapy, until you are released to drive.
Donate blood. Depending on your procedure, you may be required to donate blood or have donations made in your name.
Prepare your hospital bag. This should include comfortable clothing such as pajamas or sweat pants, as well as a robe and comfortable non-slip slippers. Gather toiletries such as a comb, toothpaste and toothbrush. You should also include your health insurance card and credit or debit card for co-payments at the hospital.
Prepare an advanced directive. This is your living will that gives authority to a family member or friend to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.
Do not eat or drink anything at least nine hours before your surgery. Ask your physician about any last-minute instructions that may be particular to your case.