What Is Robotic Surgery?

Robotic surgery, first performed in 1987, is surgery performed with the use of some type of robotic instrument. Robotic assistance allows surgeons to manipulate the instrument while watching on a video screen. Various systems have been designed to assist in different types of surgery.
  1. AESOP Endoscope Positioner

    • Computer Motion, Inc. created a voice-activated system specifically for endoscopic procedures, and the first FDA-approved system for surgery.

    HERMES Control Center

    • The HERMES Control Center is a voice command and recognition system developed by Computer Motion, Inc. for broader functioning with multiple physicians.

    Surgical System

    • Intuitive Surgery, Inc. designed this system for general laparoscopic surgery, mitral value repair and endoscopic coronary artery bypass graft surgery. This system uses 3-D visualization.


    • Created by Computer Motion, Inc., this system incorporates telecommunications for remote surgical procedures.


    • Computer Motion and Intuitive Surgical, Inc. merged to create this system with a surgeon control center. Table-mounted robotic arms are used by the surgeon for multiple endoscopic procedures.


    • Using robotics can be less traumatic and, along with the expertise of the surgeon, will produce fewer mistakes. Continued research is being conducted for additional systems to eventually have options for all surgical procedures.

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